Who is Jesus?


Ask yourself:

  1. Why would Jesus come as someone who is meek and humble instead of a  king or warrior?
  2. Why did Jesus intentionally surround himself with sinners and outcasts?
  3. How do you think everyone would react today if someone claimed to be the Son of God?

upcoming events

Assumption School open house  Aug 11th 

Setting up tents on Sunday morning, Selling water and soda during the event after noon mass.  

Cleanup , tents down, griddle back to garage.   Need a few people to help out if possible.

Mike Bigler will be there if you can make it at anytime between noon and 3ish.

Knights of Columbus Trivia Night  Aug 17  7 pm    supporting PRO LIFE Charities.

Information available on Knights of Columbus Web page under the events tab.  Online sign ups available.  https://www.kofc2269.com/events/pro-life-trivia-knight

Assumption Golf Tournament August 24th.

Volunteers are needed fr the day fo the event.  Cooks , putting contest , Drink stagers etc.  See the link in the events page for details and link to the sign up page.


Sponsorships and teams are still needed , if you know anyone that has a buisness and wants to be a sponsor , you can forward the link in the event web page to them or have them contact Mike Bigler  mb22417@bjc.org